English language arts

Giraffe, Pelly and Me Reading Challenge Cards KS2
Challenge cards designed for Upper Key Stage 2. Children completed retrieval questions on the board and then completed these.Focus on inference, summarising and prediction all whilst using quotes from the text to support their understanding.

All About Me Letter Writing 1 Week
A unit of work for the first week back- write an information text about yourself for our class book.
A Flipchart (including WAGOLL)
A differentiated Grammar Skill
for each day.
Planned for Year 5 and differentiated to nclude Year 4 and 3 objectives.

Creature Vocabulary Mats
Includes adjectives, nouns, verbs and phrases for Eyes, Mouth, Limbs and Wings and Tail.
Eye Mat currently Free to download.
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Dessert Island Reading Comprehension
Differentiated reading comprehension based on the poem Dessert Island.

1 week on Short Story Writing
Each day, the children are guided through how to create a short story.
There is also a Grammar Challenge and a Story Planner for each day.
Ideal for Supply or PPA cover

5 writing lessons around Walrus' KS1 and KS2
Created for our Key Worker bubble- a mix of KS1 and KS2 children. Each week, our work was centered around one of the school mascots. Designed to be ‘one offs’

3 Cold Writing Worksheets
Each image comes with a line the children must include. It could be the opener, the closer or appear somewhere else. Additionally, there is also key questions to get the children thinking or vocab they could include.

Eyes Vocabulary Mat
Includes: nouns , verbs, adjectives and phrases with accompanying copyright free images. Can also be purchased as part of a creature bundle.
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Outstanding Simile Lesson LKS2 Dragon Egg
Outstanding dragon egg simile lesson. Designed and taught to Year 4 as a one off with SEN Provision included.
Easily adapted to include metaphors.
I created 2 dragon eggs as a hook to engage.
Includes PPT presentation

Adverb Vocabulary Mat
A vocab word mat with examples of adverbs categorised by emotion.
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Year 3 A Christmas Carol
A reading comprehension designed for 4 x 30 minute sessions.
Based on the opening to A Christmas Carol.
Questions contain sentence stems, which can be removed.